Top 5 Natural Solutions For New Baby Challenges


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When your baby is born, you’re born new as a parent. Along with immense love and wonder comes a whole new set of challenges you didn’t even know existed. Here are our top 5 natural solutions for whatever your new baby throws at you!

  1. Sweet sleep soothers

It can be a shock to discover that what seems the most natural of instincts (sleep!) can be one of the biggest challenges as a new parent. Helping your baby learn to sleep and settle easily for good chunks of time is important not just for their development but also for your sanity.

One of the most useful things to know is how long your baby might be awake for before they get tired. - you might not realise your little one is crying because they’re over-tired! Check online for plenty of guides to ‘awake’ times for different ages. Kiwiherb Kid’s Calm, with its certified organic Chamomile, offers natural support to soothe and relax even the tiniest sleepers – it can be used from newborn.

  1. Sniffles and snuffles

When a new baby gets their first stuffy nose, it can interfere with sleep and feeding and generally make them miserable! Loosening and removing mucus manually using a warm sterile saline drop from a pharmacy or warm wet cloth can provide some relief. Your baby may want to feed more often and need extra cuddles too!

  1. Sort out scalps

Cradle cap is when your baby’s scalp gets covered in a crusty scale that flakes off into their hair. Traditional remedies include olive oil and coconut oil, which you can massage into baby’s scalp and leave for at least an hour. Once softened, the crust can be very gently combed and washed out. You’ll find both these ingredients in Kiwiherb Baby Balm, alongside other soothing botanical ingredients, to soften the crust and soothe the scalp, in a user-friendly balm!

  1. Witching hour solutions

The ‘Witching Hour’ is that regular time of day when your baby seems unable to settle or get comfortable. They might be grizzly, crying or inconsolable. This often happens in the late afternoon or early evening, but each baby is different. The key is to stay positive and calm, and not to let your baby’s distress turn into your own. If it gets too much, head outside for some fresh air – and remind yourself that this too shall pass!

  1. Soft as a baby’s bum

Your baby’s nappy area is one of the most sensitive spots and often requires extra care. Using certified organic products ensures you’re choosing the purest support for your baby, with no nasties. With olive oil, coconut oil, and extracts of Chamomile, Calendula and Koromiko, Kiwiherb Baby Balm is a gentle formula suitable for all ages. This hard worker can be used for chafing and dry skin too!


Kiwiherb Baby Balm: FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY.

Top 5 Natural Solutions For New Baby Challenges
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