
A common feature in the garden, lavender flowers are aromatic with a vibrant purple hue. They sit atop long stems with narrow leaves and grow in shrubs. This well-known herb is often used in aromatherapy and therapeutic massage.
Lavender is a key herb for the nervous system. Calming actions encourage relaxation, ease tension and aid sleep. Reduced anxiety, with mood improvements, have also been identified in clinical research.
The essential oils of this herb, and terpene profile, are thought to contribute to many of these actions, particularly significant linalool content. Phenols, including rosmarinic acid, also support antioxidant and antimicrobial activity.
Traditionally used as a carminative, to ease discomfort and spasm of the digestive system, lavender was also bathed in to support circulation and relax muscle tension.
As a powerful anti-inflammatory, this herb can also support pain relief from arthritis, headache, and irritation from insect bites.
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